My Birthday Wish

I am going to celebrate my birthday by introducing you to one of my very favorite authors, Blessed Columba Marmion.  He was an Irish priest who, with his bishop’s permission, left Ireland to become a Benedictine monk in Belgium.  When he passed away in 1923, he was the Abbot of Maredsous Abbey.

Although Abbot Marmion’s books have been translated into 11 languages, many of his works were difficult to get in English (ironic, since he is Irish!) until recently.  I found them by accident a few years ago, and they changed my life.  I really mean that.  Here is a list of the books I have:

Christ, the Life of the Soul

Christ in His Mysteries

Union with God, Letters of Spiritual Direction by Blessed Columba Marmion

Christ, the Ideal of the Monk

Christ the Ideal of the Priest.

Yes, I even read the books about monks and priests!  They really ARE that good!  I’ve read them all more than once, except for Christ the Ideal of the Priest.  I got that one for Christmas this year and just finished reading it.  I am definitely planning to read it again.  And probably again.  In later posts I will describe each book a bit more in detail.

I am in good company, liking Dom Marmion’s books.  (Dom is a term of respect, and is often used for religious in some countries.)  Mother Theresa loved them.  He was her favorite author, too.  She quoted him often in her constitutions for the Missionaries of Charity.  I believe her nuns still study his works in their formation.

Pope Pius XII said his writings are “outstanding in the accuracy of their doctrine, the clarity of their style, and the depth and richness of their thought.”

Pope John Paul II said Dom Marmion was the writer who most influenced his spirituality, and his writings are “an authentic treasure of spiritual truth.”  

During the Abbot’s beatification ceremony in 2000, Pope John Paul also said, “May a widespread rediscovery of the spiritual writings of Blessed Columba Marmion help priests, religious, and laity to grow in union with Christ and bear faithful witness to Him through ardent love of God.”

Do you think this little Sparrow’s chirping might help Pope John Paul’s wish come true?  At least a tiny bit?  I hope so.  Chirp, chirp!