My Grandma’s Crochet Hook

My Grandma taught me to crochet.  She loved to make baby blankets and sweaters.  If there weren’t enough family babies on the way, she made them for her friends and their families.  Sometime she made them for strangers!  I remember once she made a lovely set for a young pregnant cashier she saw at the grocery store.

One day she gave me a hook and some yarn and taught me to crochet chains.  I probably made miles of chain while I watched her work.  When I was ten, she helped me make my first “real” project:  a blanket for my baby sister.  I barely got it done in time!

When my Grandma passed away, I was given her crochet hooks.  (She kept them in an old plastic baby bottle.  How appropriate!)  They are very special to me.  My favorite is a small red hook that she used with the thinner baby yarns.  She literally wore the finish off of it!

Now I actually knit more than I crochet, but I keep that little red hook with my knitting.  It is always either in my knitting bag or in the drawer next to where I sit.  I use it often to fix dropped stitches, etc.

I’ve noticed lately that the finish is wearing off some of my most used knitting needles.  I guess I am following in my Grandma’s footsteps.

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